Global Net Report: Marjana Islam Medha was born on 12 July 1999 in a Muslim family in Mohammadpur, the heart of Dhaka. In 2017, he passed SSC from Trinity School and College, Mohammadpur. And passed HSC from Wide Vision College Uttara in 2019. Since then she has been studying at NPI University of Bangladesh for 2021 BSc (Food Engineering). Apart from studying from an early age, she was involved in various cultural and social activities. She has received many honors and awards for her various works in student life. She is also not lagging behind in social work. From 2013 to 2016, she has given leadership to the Girls Guide and has received honors. A little independent thinking from a young age. She was dreaming of becoming an entrepreneur. Growing up, she never thought about who would fall in love with cooking while her favorite talent was hospitality. Over time, as she heard praise for her food from relatives, she began to wonder why she was not working on this dish. Her online publicity is increasing day by day, her reputation for cooking is spreading around. Medha’s Food Corner online homemade food business in 2018. Medha began to move in a new direction by using the will power. On January 7, 2022, Medha won the BTEA Best Cooking Artist of the Year Award 2021. Medha’s beloved mother always supported him emotionally. Her strength is her mother, Medha said, she uses her good taste in cooking to transform it into love, she wants to introduce Bengali food to the world. Today, some people, including her mother, have contributed a lot to the development of entrepreneurial talent. She is grateful to them for that. Marjan Islam Medhar’s father Saidul Islam and mother Shamima Islam.