Global Net Report: NPI University student gets BSICC SME Award 2022. Marjana Islam Medha was honored on March 14 at the Entrepreneur Awards 2022 organized by BSICC SME Entrepreneur Bangladesh at the Poet Sufia Kamal Auditorium of the National Museum in the capital. Additional Secretary Abdul Karim was present as the chief guest in the presidency of Shahed Mahmud.
Marjana Islam Medha was born on 12 July 1999 in Mohammadpur area of Dhaka. She passed SSC from Trinity School and College Mohammadpur in 2017. In 2019, she passed HSC from Wide Vision College, Uttara. Medha is currently studying B.Sc (Food Engineering) at NPI University of Bangladesh. Medha is also studying at Level One in Cooking under the Technical Education Board at the Professional Cooking Academy (PCA). Over time, as she heard praise for his food from relatives, she began to wonder why he was not working on this dish. Her online publicity is increasing day by day, her reputation for cooking is spreading around. An online homemade food business called Medha’s Food Corner. Medha is the beginning of a new endeavor by using the power of will. Medha’s beloved mother always supports him emotionally. Earlier, Marjana Islam Medha had won the BTEA Best Cooking Artist of the Year Award 2021.