DHAKA, June 19, 2021 (BSS) – For the first time, the government has created
an opportunity for the education cadre to be promoted to the third grade as
the principal posts of 95 government colleges have been upgraded from fourth
grade to third grade.

The decision has been taken at a meeting of the Secretary Committee on
Administrative Development held today, said a press release.

As per previous system, there were no opportunity for BCS (General Education)
cadre professor to be promoted to fourth grade and third grade through
selection grade.

In order to bringing administrative balance and discipline, nine colleges in
the divisional city and 86 colleges in other districts have been promoted
from 4th grade to 3rd grade as per the National Salary Scale, 2015, added the

The nine colleges in the divisional city are Dhaka College, Eden Mohila
College, Ananda Mohan College, Mymensingh, Chittagong College, Sylhet MC
College, Rajshahi College, Carmichael College, Rangpur, Government BL
College, Khulna and Government BM College, Barisal.


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