Bangladesh Ambassador to the Netherlands M Riaz Hamidullah presented his credentials as permanent representative of Bangladesh to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to its Director-General Ambassador Fernando Arias on August 21, 2020. Photo: Courtesy.
Global Net Report : At the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Bangladesh Ambassador to the Netherlands M Riaz Hamidullah yesterday presented his credentials as permanent representative of Bangladesh.
OPCW Director-General Ambassador Fernando Arias lauded Bangladesh’s contributions Welcoming Hamidullah, world peace and commitment to rid the world of chemical weapons. The organisation implements 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention with its 193 member states.
Mr. Hamidullah praised Ambassador Fernando Arias’s for his dynamic leadsership in OPCW and suggested focusing on economic and technological development of member states, particularly developing countries. OPCW an inter-governmental organisation. In 2013 the Organisation won Nobel Prize for Peace.
Bangladesh signed the Chemical Weapons Convention on January 14, 1993 and ratified it on April 25, 1997. Bangladesh is currently an elected member of the 41-member executive council of OPCW as well as the chair of the committee of its Conference of the State Parties.
In the ceremony also were present Ambassador Odette Melono, deputy director-general of OPCW.
Source: Daily Star Online